Podcast Tour
Influence, Inspire, be Yourself!
booked on 12 targeted top-rated podcasts within 6 months.
We have a massive network of top podcast owners and agents.
We will get you booked on 12 targeted top-rated podcasts within 6 months.
Connect on a good time for a strategy call where we will clarify the story, core message, call to action, and ideal audience so we can convert listeners into buyers.
We'll create a compelling one-sheet bio highlighting what makes the you an ideal guest for the shows we hand-select.
We'll reach out to our network of top-rated relevant podcast hosts and pitch the you for their show.
Once accepted, we will send you all their show details so you're fully prepared and you can schedule a date/time that works for them.
150 million+ Americans listen to podcasts monthly
There are currently over 1.5 million active podcasts
Podcast interviews convert 25x better than blogs
85% of listeners hear the whole episode (and the average podcast is 45 mins long!)
Traffic from podcasts converts at 25% to 50% visitor to lead
38% of podcast listeners have purchased products on podcasts
45% of podcast listeners have a household income over $250K
Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!